Coto de Gomariz


Nestled at the eastern edge of Galicia, the Ribeiro DO is split by three rivers. Coto de Gomariz is located in the zone of Ribeiro where the slopes overlook the Avia river and consists of 27 hectares. Shisteous, granitic and sandy soils, steep slopes, tiny yields and a unique microclimate make this spot ideal for growing the local varieties which include Treixadura, Godello, Loureira and Albariño for the whites, and Souson for the reds. Coto de Gomariz are one of the most pioneers of Ribeiro, credited with helping to put the region on the wine map of Spain under the stewardship of owner Ricardo Carreiro. Winemaker Inma Pazos has introduced wild yeast fermentations in the winery and is experimenting with clay eggs and alternative vessels, looking to retain freshness and finesse in the wines. The wines are elegant, juicy, and alive, quintessentially Galician in character.

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